Pilgrim i Kastrup

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Terminalgade, 2770, Kastrup, DK Dänemark
kontakter telefon: +45 32 51 14 45
internet side: www.pilgrim.dk
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Latitude: 55.6288982, Longitude: 12.6439021

kommentar 2

  • Cynthia Ronchetti

    Cynthia Ronchetti


    My grandma used to make fun of me when I was a child, in her own words I was "born poor but with a fancy taste". Early on my über-delicate skin would get a rash from wearing woolen sweaters, most metals or even from using certain kinds of laundry detergents. As I grew older this seemed to worsen in respect of jewelry and nowadays I am not able to wear even fancy 18k gold earrings that I used to a few years back. I'm telling you all this because when I spotted a cheap and chic GORGEOUS set of danish designed earrings passing by this store I drooled. I wasn't gonna buy them, with my track record and all, but a very nice sales woman approached me and suggested that I try: all of their models are nickel free and specially good for sensitive people like me. I was hesitant but got them anyways and I'm very glad I did: the quality is fantastic, and I have had them on for the whole week now! I even forgot to take them off one night and woke up with irritation-free earlobes :)) Also, the workmanship and attention to detail are fantastic, specially considering the price: this puppies look expensive... but they are not! So I just went back and bought a few more sets and are now looking forward to rock them too.

  • en



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