Pelican Self Storage i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkPelican Self Storage



🕗 åbningstider

3, Kalkbrænderihavnsgade, 2100, København, DK Danmark
kontakter telefon: +45 39 75 50 06
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.6962189, Longitude: 12.5933188

kommentar 5

  • da

    Niclas Madsen


  • Plamen Petrov

    Plamen Petrov


    Tetris is developing a self storage building in Copenhagen. Entasis is attached to the assignment as an architect, as the municipality has asked for a project oriented towards the potential of the entire area. The basic idea of the building is to introduce a volume that fits in the existing urban context. The building is placed solitary and adapted to the site's wedged shape. To substantiate the contextual relationship, horizontal lines from the surrounding buildings are adapted into the new building as cuts, undercuts, prints and alignment. This means that the building will have different heights and inclining surfaces. In a desire to create a gate between the new building and the neighbor, the facing brick facade is used as a transformed motif in the new facade design. This transformation means 'stretching' the motif to fit the length of the new facade. The windows will be also will be walled up, and the facade will stand as a reflection of his neighbor.

  • Troels Freud-Magnus

    Troels Freud-Magnus


    Nemt at bruge

  • Camilla Petersen

    Camilla Petersen


    Supernemt koncept og god service.

  • Kenneth Dürr

    Kenneth Dürr


    Nemt og bekvemt opbevaring med lange åbningstider. Der er muligt at låne en gratis trailer, når man skal have transporteret sig grej.

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