Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek i København

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DanmarkNy Carlsberg Glyptotek



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7, Dantes Plads, 1556, København, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 33 41 81 41
internet side: www.glyptoteket.dk
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Latitude: 55.67298, Longitude: 12.572543

kommentar 5

  • en

    Aquel Aquel


    got in for free. it sure was worth it. very nice inside garden. Great art gallery with a lot to see. It is worth at least 2 hours to spend. A must visit when in coppenhagen.

  • Wayne Ng

    Wayne Ng


    I loved this place. It is not enormous which is nice. There are sculptures and paintings to enjoy. There are a few Rodin's. But, the main attractions are the large meeting hall which is stunning and has sculptures of some important historical figures of the Roman age. There is also a large indoor garden which was an amazingly peaceful place to sit and relax amongst the trees and plants away from much of the noise of busy Copenhagen (Kobenhavn).

  • Anders Grabow

    Anders Grabow


    A great museum with things for every man, woman or child. You can find everything from real Egyptian mummies to French impressionist with a dash of sculptures from ancient Rome or Greece in the middle. There's also something that resembles a botanical garden in the middle - and a cafe for you to get some food at.

  • en

    Con Stroulios


    Glyptotek museum, a collection of ancient Greek and Roman sculptures and relics, to later Degas the ballerina, some wonderful art pieces. A lot of pieces to see will be back to continue. Below ground is the cloak room, lockers and toilets. Enter thru the grand staircase, which is impressive, in the centre is an enclosed conservatory garden courtyard, with a fountain and cafe, you can have something to eat or a coffee. Well laid out and easy to get around, the museum shop had plenty of items to buy. Enjoy!!!

  • Hugo Farne

    Hugo Farne


    Great museum. Lovely building and space too. We went round the French art ~1800-1950, spread over three floors. The collection is remarkable, with all the big names (Monet, Degas, Renoir, Gaugain, Renoir, and even some Rousseau that were remarkably different from the 'primitive' paintings he is famous for). First room had some of the more modern artists (Miro, Man Ray), but most of it was older than that (a dozen or so other rooms). It was a little frustrating not to have an audio guide or even labels with comments by the paintings. But I believe that was a deliberate decision on the part of the curator to create a space focused on the art, and the bold colours on the walls is quite striking. About 2hrs to go round. Highly recommended.

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