Norce CrossFit i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkNorce CrossFit



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4, Kattegatvej, 2150, København, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.717756, Longitude: 12.606984

kommentar 5

  • da

    Claus Einicke


    Fedt CrossFit Center Desværre for besværligt at komme til for mig Ellers vil jeg vælge sådan et sted 😊👍

  • da

    Martin Hofvander


    Fedeste sted for CrossFit og styrke.. optimale parkeringsforhold og gode faciliteter.

  • Sune frøslev larsen

    Sune frøslev larsen


    Hamrende fedt center! Det er faktisk virkelig turen værd, selvom man måske skal køre et godt stykke for det..

  • Karl Andersen

    Karl Andersen


    Top of the line Crossfit box. Competition setup and Great community. Wodify system

  • en

    Thorbjørn Black


    What Is Norce Norce philosophy is to be humble and put emphasis on quality and the ability to do it right the first time, every time. Norce is high standard, high quality, simple and effective. Norce is Functional training build on same principles as CrossFit. It is a fully comprehensive workout system, personalized for the modern human being, with a stressful daily life. Norce incorporates the best elements of physical training, whether it is sports movements or movements inspired by the armed forces. Norce is a high performance, motivational concept, which strives to inspire the ultimate physical performance, powerful appearance and self-understanding. Why Because we believe that highly effective functional training, combined with precision, creates results. How Norce have picked the best physical trainers in Copenhagen, with the personality and experience that fit our values. The trainers coach and create the optimal athlete by focusing on both functionality and personal physicality. Norce is a CrossFit Box, which uses a mix of Mobility, powerlifting, Gymnastics, Olympic weightlifting and Cardio training, based on evidence and experience. Norce strives to create the physical and mental shortcut and turns it into a lifelong desire to stay focused on maintaining physical and mental performance. You You will be the center of focus during sessions in small groups, with time to focus on correct movement in every exercise. You want to get strong and lean without getting injured or demotivated. You want a comprehensive training system where physical effort is mentally rewarding in your complex daily life - Then Norce is the place for you!

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