Natteravnen i Hvidovre

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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137, Hvidovrevej, 2650, Hvidovre, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 36 47 20 30
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.6533631, Longitude: 12.4749776

kommentar 5

  • en

    Samuel Šimončič


    So where to start. First thing, when I called to restaurant, almost 0 english knowledge from the guy on the phone, I had to go get my danish friend to say in danish what I wanted, nothing wrong with It though, not everyone can speak english here and thats completely fine. We ordered 2 pizzas Hvidovre Special and Quattro Stagioni, delivery time was good BUT, only one pizza arrived, even when they have been told in danish they still made a mistake, whatever I was hungry, took 50% of my order and even tipped guy some money for fast delivery because It probably wasnt his fault, I paid 67(pizza) +30 (delivery cost) = around 120 with tip. Now scary part, pizza box was soaking wet from the bottom with a hole in It like somebody dropped It on the floor after I unpacked It from plastic bag. I had to make sure It is on table so It wont fall out through It. Quatro stagioni, it was my fault I didnt translate but they really put these small canned shrimps on this pizza here I didnt see It anywhere in the world. I thought this is some joke at first. Taste was really meh in general and after combination of ham cheese mushrooms and shrimps I chose to stay hungry after few bites and threw the pizza away. Do not recommend.

  • Mark Salmon

    Mark Salmon


    Incredibly bad service. Very rude personnel answering the telephone. Unable to understand danish and then accuse callers of not being able to speak danish and have done this more than once. Why they work in a service industry I have no idea but their customer care sucks!

  • Tarja Maria Wilhardt

    Tarja Maria Wilhardt



  • Marcus Ghavidel

    Marcus Ghavidel


    God mad

  • Kyle Irving

    Kyle Irving


    Very good food. Will shoot 5 stars in a chest-loot.

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