Mumbai Café Nordkraft i Aalborg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkMumbai Café Nordkraft



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1, Kjellerups Torv, 9000, Aalborg, DK Danmark
kontakter telefon: +45 98 16 41 22
internet side:
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Latitude: 57.0463498, Longitude: 9.9322569

kommentar 5

  • da

    Mette Hvidberg-Hagen


    Sød betjening og hyggelige omgivelser men maden var præg af halvfabrikata

  • Simona Miraglia

    Simona Miraglia


    Delicious authentic Indian food and great service. Fabulous home made ice cream. We enjoyed not only our dinner but also the chat with the owner and the courtesy of the entire team. Highly recommend this restaurant!

  • Pranav Ashok

    Pranav Ashok


    Ordered Chana Masala and Naan as take away. The Chana Masala was sweet and lacked hotness. Even though there were spices in the curry, it didn't just feel authentic. A pack of flavoured basmati rice came along for free, but I couldn't eat more than a handful because of the strong cardamom flavour. Its not that I dislike the cardamom flavour, but it has to be present within limits. The naan was the better of the three. It was soft and decent in taste, although it was tending more towards a "bread" rather than naans which one gets in India. Perhaps its unfair to benchmark an Indian restaurant based in Europe against authentic Indian food, but I just thought there should be one review from the Indian perspective.

  • Rasmus Nielsen

    Rasmus Nielsen


    Lækker autentisk Indisk mad

  • en

    sweksha chauhan


    Loved the food. Mango Lassi ( mango flavoured yogurt drink) was very nice. Channa masala is also good ( lower on spice side). Naan(Indian flat bread) was very good. It was crisp and good in taste. Interiors done to give Indian feel, from lamp shades to sitting cushions. It is a concept restaurant. Staff is very friendly. Had word with owner , even he was very friendly.

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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