Møntvaskeriet i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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2, Elmegade, 2200, København, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 40 34 09 22
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 55.689165, Longitude: 12.5577914

kommentar 5

  • James P

    James P


    Naive english speaking backpacker review /steps for success. So if you're lucky like me to find an english speaker inside, you'll be told to do the following. 1. Put clothes in a machine of choice (13kg = 43kr, 7kg =33kr). 2. Go to grey machine with heaps of buttons and choose detergent (sæbe=6kr, skyl=2kr) put your coins in the slot then click the red button of the detergent you want down the bottom. Then turn around and click the button on the white soap despenser that should have now lit up. 3. Put detergent in machine. 4. Back to the grey button machine and enter the krones and select ur machine (white buttons for 13kg, red for 7 kg). The button should light up once money is entered. 5. Go to ur machine ans select the cycle you want via the grey buttons then click the big red button to start the wash (make sure door is locked shut first). 6. Repeat the steps to use the centrifuge (yellow buttons) and dry your clothes (green buttons). 7. If you need change go to 7-11 across the street, buy something small like a delicious bottle of Faxe Kondi. Congrats, your clothes are now clean. Enjoy Copenhagen with clean clothes.

  • Johannes Hultquist

    Johannes Hultquist


  • Rafael Sosa

    Rafael Sosa


    Esta muy practico pero deberian poner indicaciones en INGLES y otros idiomas. Seria muy buena idea modernizar las maquinas de lavado y el metodo de pago como con "Credit Cards".

  • ko

    Ailo K


    세탁기 쓰는 법도 쉽게 알려주고 주인이 엄청 친절! 세제 섬유유연제는 다 제공해줌ㅎㅎ가격도 착한듯 대신 동전 바꿔가세여

  • Kasper Lidegaard

    Kasper Lidegaard


    Vaskeriet fungerer bare. Lokalerne er ikke så spændende dog.

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