Mail Boxes Etc. i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkMail Boxes Etc.



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Østerbrogade 226 st. tv, 2100 København Ø, Dänemark
kontakter telefon: +45 31 20 36 16
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.713297, Longitude: 12.577803

kommentar 5

  • en

    Gerardo Cesar


    Very nice franchise, you can have your PO Box, to receive your internet shopping and some other things such as packing items, laminated and they speak several languages, very nice people.

  • Natalie L

    Natalie L


    Mange tak for en rigtig god serviceoplevelse - kan virkelig anbefales. Heller ikke for dyrt som andre copy shops på Østerbro. :)

  • en

    Alexis Fan


    I have used Mail Boxes Etc several times to post various things locally and internationally. Everytime they have done a great, professional job and I can totally trust them to package and deliver my stuff securely and efficiently. I will certainly continue to use their service, much more reliable and also cheaper than other postal options. 5-star professionalism, with super helpful and lovely staff. Why didn't we have Mail Boxes Etc earlier in Copenhagen?!

  • Gwen Liao

    Gwen Liao


    So happy that there's finally a Mail Boxes Etc store in Copenhagen! The range of services they provide are fantastic and very cost-efficient compared to others! The staff are friendly, professional and helpful. Really saved me lots of time, hassle and of course money too! Highly recommend Mail Boxes Etc, especially you haven't tried it before. It's definitely my first choice if I want to post anything. Superb.

  • de

    MBE2678 Store


    Super Service im Versand und Druck. Gute Preise immer wieder!

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