Louisiana Museum of Modern Art i Humlebæk

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DanmarkLouisiana Museum of Modern Art



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13, Gl Strandvej, 3050, Humlebæk, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 49 19 07 19
internet side: www.louisiana.dk
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Latitude: 55.9692178, Longitude: 12.5423368

kommentar 5

  • Tim Dow

    Tim Dow


    An easy walk from the station this beautiful sprawling buildings are in a beautiful set of carefully designed grounds. The landscape is drawn into the building inviting the immediate gardens are the surrounding borrowed landscapes. The three wings are connected by glass corridors through the gardens with sculptures inside and out blurring the line between building and garden. The complex is located high with spectacular views to the water. Great permanent collection and visiting exhibitions.

  • Emma



    They have permanent and seasonal exhibits. I was lucky to go to Picasso's ceramic and Gabriele Münter exhibits. The museum is self is breathtaking, because it includes the surroundings with open walls so you are both inside and outside while visiting the museum. The view is breathtaking and some statues are part of the landscape. Activities for kids inside and outside and a nice cafeteria to take a break. A must see on your way to Kronborg. I highly recommend the Copenhagen city pass because it is cheaper than if you pay each time for you transportation and the fees at the museum. Very nice museum shop as well.

  • Jason Adler

    Jason Adler


    This was my favorite museum in my visit to Denmark. It has an unusual but aesthetically satisfying combination of indoor and outdoor exhibits. The Picasso sculptures were probably my favorite, but there are a lot of great works of art to see here. And there is a gorgeous view of the sound as a backdrop to the man-made art.

  • Giulia Valila'

    Giulia Valila'


    Nice museum near Copenhagen. The price is € 15 for students, not too much but surely this museum isn't the best of Denmark. The museum of Aarhus is very interesting and much better. Anyway I suggest you to visit both. The location it's amazing, it's on the sea in a little park. Very suggestive. Inside the building it is possible to have lunch with a buffet (€20), not bad.

  • Natasha Skov Ludvigsen

    Natasha Skov Ludvigsen


    Great museum with fantastic permanent and temporary exhibitions. We were there during Picasso's ceramics temporary exhibition and it was more interesting than expected. The museum has a fantastic outdoor area with most amazing view - great place to have a picnic lunch during warm sunny days. It can get really crowded thought, on Sunday afternoon it was impossible to even walk through canteen area.

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