Hotel Viking City - Sæby i Sæby

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkHotel Viking City - Sæby


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31, Vestergade, 9300, Sæby, DK Danmark
kontakter telefon: +45 98 46 17 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 57.3348236, Longitude: 10.5190809

kommentar 5

  • Pernille Jensen

    Pernille Jensen


  • en

    Pete Leach


    Good value. Rooms are stuck in a 90s time warp but clean and well serviced. There is a lovely cafe next door serving excelent breakfast.

  • Liliana Jiménez Garza

    Liliana Jiménez Garza


    Den här hotell har ingen service. Den är lite isolerin.

  • Jakob Friis

    Jakob Friis


    God wellness og service

  • en

    Alan Gore


    Awful. I arrived fairly late wanting a nap, there's no reception so you have to visit the spa then drive to the site where there is no parking. The entrance is very unwelcoming, the carpets were filthy and our corridor smelled. It's difficult to get luggage to the rooms past the heavy entry door and up the stairs. My room had not been cleaned and had an unmade stained bed as well as used towels on the floor. There are no phones so we had to call the spa at our expense. They sent someone over quickly and offered a free small bottle of wine which was something. At night there was lots of noise from drunk locals and places playing music until after 2am. In the morning the shower had very little hot water. Most of the tv channels were locked. Almost an hour before check out the maid arrived and started pressuring us to leave being extremely rude and tapping at her watch. Hopefully it wasn't the same maid who failed to clean the room the day before. No parking, no reception, no WiFi, no hot water, no rest and no hospitality. One to avoid.

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