Hotel SP34 i København

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DanmarkHotel SP34


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34, Sankt Peders Stræde, 1453, København, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 33 13 30 00
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Latitude: 55.678829, Longitude: 12.5670971

kommentar 5

  • Radka Janíková

    Radka Janíková


    Lovely place to stay in Copenhagen, close to the Noreport station. The hotel restaurant is very good, so are the breakfast. What is worth mentioning are the daily wine hours :-)

  • en

    Gareth Williams


    The hotel is very fashionable and stylish. They had a free wine tasting at 5pm on the day we arrived. Room was comfortable and bathroom very nice. Breakfast was very tasty and healthy. All staff were very friendly and polite. When we had a small complaint about the noise outside our room at night, the management handled this so professionally. Exceptional service! Thank you very much to everyone there. The hotel is in a perfect area of Copenhagen for tourists, right in the heart of the city near lots of good restaurants and cafes.

  • iamnosuperman12



    Definitely upmarket and for the younger travelers. The main entrance is modern chic and the bedrooms, while small, are minimalistic and clean. The breakfast is good and they have a free wine hour from 17:00 until 18:00. Alcohol selection is good but a bit pricey (although most of Copenhagen is).

  • Jan Kruse

    Jan Kruse


    This is in a way the weirdest and yet one of the best hotels I've stayed in. Very edgy, comfy and family-like atmosphere. They have a free wine hour daily! Breakfast is excellent and all organic. It's clean and had modern amenities. And yet a very unique style and absolutely individualistic. Fantastic Central location. You can easily walk to many important places.

  • Lynn



    To me the hotel has some great features with some points to improve. Firstly the lobby downstairs is really nice and cosy with plenty of people hanging out at the bar. Upstairs all the rooms are beautifully designed but a bit too dark to my taste especially on a grey winter day. Then the shower in our room had trouble to stay at a constant temperature which wasn't too comfortable, also there was some water leaking out of the shower tap. The bed was very comfortable though, the room and bathroom were spacious and I'm always very happy to find an iron!

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