Hotel Jørgensen i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkHotel Jørgensen


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11, Rømersgade, 1362, København, DK Dänemark
kontakter telefon: +45 33 13 81 86
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Latitude: 55.6836471, Longitude: 12.5681542

kommentar 5

  • es

    Marta Garcia Velasco


    Hotel muy bien situado. Cerca de mercado y supermercado. Línea de metro a 100m. Habitaciones limpias. Servicio agradable. Se pagan las sábados y toallas.

  • Kiira Law

    Kiira Law


    Great location, near to the metro station and tourist sights. Hostel itself unpolished and with a confusing layout. Rooms are small and hardly any plugs. Beds seemed like they could fall apart if some poor person had to take the top bunk, one bed was even missing the steps for top bunk. Paper thin walls and poor ventilation, prepare to get sweaty. Showers downstairs disgusting. The bathroom and toilets were dirty too. Common area cafe (= a room with an instant coffee machine and chairs) decent but the area with the table football very much resembled a kidnappers basement. Night shift customer service bad and rude. Customer service otherwise nice and friendly. All in all. would not recommend. Two stars for the location.

  • Anabel Rittscher

    Anabel Rittscher


    War halbwegs sauber.. 12 Mann Zimmer aber sonst in Ordnung :)

  • Julian Mayorga

    Julian Mayorga


    Kein WLAN im Zimmer, gute Lockers

  • Marco Teubner

    Marco Teubner


    Gut: Lage und großzügige Zimmer wo ich gut gelegen habe. Schlecht: Kein WC und Dusche, diese befinden sich auf der Etage. Sehr laut, konnte kaum einschlafen, aber es gibt Ohrenstöpsel an der Rezeption. Nicht ohne Grund.

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