Haché Gourmet Burger i København

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DanmarkHaché Gourmet Burger



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20, Rømersgade, 1362, København, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 33 12 21 16
internet side: hache.dk
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Latitude: 55.6846031, Longitude: 12.5697656

kommentar 5

  • Nariman Emamian

    Nariman Emamian


    It was ok but not more. i think we went in with too high hopes. The meat was a bit over cooked and the whole thing was quite was a bit expensive in my opinion.

  • Eric Harvison

    Eric Harvison


    A decent burger, but I wouldn't say it makes the grade to "Gourmet". The good: Nicely seasoned beef, fresh condiments (lettuce, tomato, pickle, red onion). The not so good: Beef ground rather finely makes for a very dense - though still nicely juicy - burger. Too much of their home maid mayo, coupled with the juices from the meat, made the bun rather soggy and start to fall apart about half way through it. The best thing about the meal was the side salad that accompanied my burger. Lettuce, shredded carrots, pomegranate seeds, dried cranberries, pumpkin seeds, fresh dill. I will go back just to have their salad.

  • en

    Nikolaj Korolev


    Great burgers and delicious frites. Friendly staff, popular place so expect many customers.

  • Dominykas Vaitkus

    Dominykas Vaitkus


    Food is always really good, but the place is a bit tight and dark

  • en

    Tomi Ellis


    Amazing service and fantastic food! We came on a busy night and the staff were so helpful to try and accommodate us. The food came out quickly, tasted fantastic and was reasonably priced. Would highly recommend.

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