Frihedsmuseet - TEMP CLOSED i København

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DanmarkFrihedsmuseet - TEMP CLOSED


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6, Churchillparken, 1263, København, DK Danmark
kontakter telefon: +45 41 20 62 91
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.688193, Longitude: 12.596307

kommentar 5

  • Jonas Sommer

    Jonas Sommer


    Jeg er med til at genopbygge det.

  • en

    Engin Kilic


    It is not a big museum but gives you a realistis picture of ww2.

  • Bjarne Witthoff

    Bjarne Witthoff


    Anbefaler Friheds Museet.

  • Gustav Christensson

    Gustav Christensson


    If you happen to be in the vicinity of the Little Mermaid, perhaps you may like to spend half-an-hour visiting this interesting museum to spice up your knowledge of the German occupation of Denmark during the Second World War. The museum isn't the most aesthetically pleasing, but the last time I visited the admission was free, which enabled me to learn more about how Scandinavia reacted to the years of war – not as peacefully as you'd expect!

  • James Allen

    James Allen


    I didn't hate it.its just there is nothing there.just a plaque.

nærmeste Museum

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