Frederiksberg Gardens i Frederiksberg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkFrederiksberg Gardens



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Frederiksberg Runddel, 2000, Frederiksberg, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 33 95 42 00
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Latitude: 55.6747467, Longitude: 12.5254732

kommentar 5

  • Tommy Bay

    Tommy Bay


    My favorite green spot in Copenhagen. Nice for walks and runs (just don't go here for a run saturday and sunday between 11 am and 5 pm as the footpaths will be full of people strolling) If you want coffee there I would suggest to bring it from a cafe outside the park as the booth selling coffee etc. never seems to be open when you need it.

  • John Valliant Lauritzen

    John Valliant Lauritzen


    Beautiful park to walk on gravel paths with water and small bridges and benches to sit on.

  • en

    Pramod Joshi


    Very nice place for exercise & relaxation. Clean & well maintained on the main road

  • Fiona Smith

    Fiona Smith


    I love this plark in all seasons...for running, walking & with kids for summer play and picnics. To be 5 stars, the playground would need to be much better's (sadly) a total non-event.

  • en

    Chris Wright


    Well kept lovely gardens. Plenty of space for a peaceful stroll taking in the scenery. Lots of varieties of trees and the ponds add to the serenity. Viewing the animals in the zoo from here adds to the occasion and the kids loved the play area.

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