Fitness World i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkFitness World


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27-31, Vester Farimagsgade, 1606, København, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 50 60 61 04
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.6781394, Longitude: 12.562319

kommentar 5

  • Johannes Hultquist

    Johannes Hultquist


    Great gym but crowded

  • Nurullah Jewel

    Nurullah Jewel


    Offers very reasonable price.

  • en

    Philip Branson


    Very pleasant and helpful staff. Free weights cardio stretching techno gym machines and cross fit area. Lockers, shower. Unique building.... Old theater with high ceilings, wood and marble floors. Not very crowded. Worked out 3 days while visiting. I did not experience any of the negatives in other reviews

  • Diego Alonso

    Diego Alonso


    Small, weird distribution and limited number of machines. The area used to be a small concert hall, so the wall decoration is great

  • en

    Jay Gambill


    Utilized there olympic lifting area. They advertise cross fit, have rubber bumper weights, and rubber mats, but you cannot drop weights at the end of movement. The hired help were rude and would not sell their protein powder at the advertised on sale rate and told me to just buy a bottle out of the vending machine. Avoid this gym if you are serious about lifting. I would advocate Butcher lab/Garage. Fitness World is a waste of time for people who olympic lift or cross fit.

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