Enghave Motor, Suzuki Center Copenhagen i Taastrup

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkEnghave Motor, Suzuki Center Copenhagen



🕗 åbningstider

316, Roskildevej, 2630, Taastrup, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 33 22 27 10
internet side: www.enghavemotor.dk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 55.659386, Longitude: 12.310001

kommentar 5

  • Zade Zero

    Zade Zero


    MC steddet

  • Tomáš



    First time I was there there was problem with waiting time, but I guess it was just busy day. Today it was whole another experience and I really like way they care about my case. Thank you guys

  • Paloma Truong

    Paloma Truong


    Terrible customer service, I had to call 3 times and send 3 emails to get a refund on a product that they charged me twice by mistake. They are also very slow at answering emails as we reached out to them before for a product request and it took them 3 weeks to answer. Would not recommend...

  • Ed Hansen

    Ed Hansen


    Great service, they threat me very everytime l come and l very much recommend them.

  • Kim Sørensen

    Kim Sørensen


    It is very rare to experience as good a service and kindness, as the one I experienced with Enghave Motor. So I feel that the story really deserves to be shared: We bought an old moped which was to be used for a bachelor party. It worked fine when we got it but the day before the party we suddenly could not start it. I found the number for Enghave Motor online and called them - Per from the workshop answered the phone and advised me, that the moped was too old so they didnt have spare parts for it on stock and they had a man sick that day, so they were unable to fix it the same day. When I told him that it was to be used for a bachelor party the next day and that they were my last option he immediately told me to try and come by with it, then they would see what they could do. Two hours later I came to the workshop and in 20 minutes they had it starting again. They really saved the day for a all of us - a big thanks from here!!!

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