Dragør Hotel & Apartments i Dragør

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkDragør Hotel & Apartments


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9, Strandlinien, 2791, Dragør, DK Dania
kontakter telefon: +45 21 68 55 27
internet side: www.dragorstrandhotel.dk
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Latitude: 55.5941563, Longitude: 12.674179

kommentar 5

  • Jansen Claudi

    Jansen Claudi


    Tolle Appartements

  • Sarah Estopinal

    Sarah Estopinal


    Very nicely situated in the little quaint village, close to the airport. The hotel manager/owner is an extremely helpful man and very kind. The harbor is directly across from the hotel/apts. Perfect little hidden getaway!!!!

  • da

    Frank Nielsen


    Rigtigt lækkert sted, lige ved Dragør lystbådehavn.

  • Defnite



    Clean apartment, modern interior and great service

  • en

    Bruce F


    My wife and I stayed in this charming little hotel in the fall of 2013. The apartment we rented was clean and spacious. The only down side was that it was on the second floor and we had to carry several heavy suitcases up and down the stairs without help. I can say that the restaurant on the premises serves magnificent food. We ate dinner and lunch there and had breakfast from a bakery only a half block away. The hotel sits next to the harbor filled with fishing boats. Walking around this small village was a delightful way to spend a morning. We chose this hotel for an overnight stay flying from Athens to Chicago, via Copenhagen. Dragor is only about a 10 minute cab ride from the airport. I would not hesitate to return.

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