Copenhagen Tourist Point i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkCopenhagen Tourist Point



🕗 åbningstider

3, Trommesalen, 1614, København, DK Danmark
kontakter telefon: +45 31 89 03 55
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.6737442, Longitude: 12.5606632

kommentar 5

  • Clotilde PUYRAVAUD

    Clotilde PUYRAVAUD


    Best place in town to change money and rent a bike. The staff is super friendly and helpful. Highly recommend it !

  • en



    Best place to change money or rent a bike in town. They are super sweet and helpful! Will come back for sure. Thanks!

  • en

    Khaled Sallam


    If you want to exchange money don't go to anywhere else, i believe this is the best place in town, they are quite upfront about their rates, the person serving you will actually show you what he is typing on the computer when calculating the exchange rate. Don't look anywhere else just come here.

  • Kiran Naik

    Kiran Naik


    They provided the best exchange rate in the town. Friendly and helpful guy at the shop. I would highly recommend them. Don't bother spending time in asking exchange rates at the shops at the Central Station and dont trust the rates some shops display. This shop absolutely the best one to exchange your money to Danish Kr.

  • Ahmet MEYDAN

    Ahmet MEYDAN


    This shop is in center. Very central and friendly. Bicycle renting is 100 dkk per day. They sale magnets and they change the money too. Staff is friendly. Bicycles is good and confortly.

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