Casino Copenhagen i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkCasino Copenhagen



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70, Amager Boulevard, 2300, København, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 33 96 59 65
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Latitude: 55.667413, Longitude: 12.586175

kommentar 5

  • George Poulos

    George Poulos


    You pay to play and dress, what a turn off, would make a great rehab for Gamblers Anonymous no atmosphere, total joke.

  • en

    Zand Er


    I only played NL Hold'Em. Everything is disproportionately expensive. A glass of water costs 25 DKK if you want them to bring it to you and tips are expected. The rake is very high, I believe they took 10% on each hand and did not allow splits on dead hands. The dealers asked for tips, so in reality rake was even higher. The skill level is quite low, so you cloud probably still make some money here. Also, 120 DKK in entrance fee. Lowest buy-in at cash table was 500 DKK (20/20 blinds) but with max. being 5000 at the same table, that number is unrealistic. I still had a pretty good time, people were pretty nice and some dealers nice as well.

  • Chris Jordan

    Chris Jordan


    Lots of slots and table games. Excellent service.

  • Tim Collins

    Tim Collins


    Always a good night here! Staff are very friendly and helpful, beer is a little steep but i really enjoy the atmosphere

  • Claus Beeck

    Claus Beeck


    The one and only place if time and money is available. Nice experience with a huge amount of slots and gaming machines. Tables like blackjack baccarat roulette and Texas hold em.. - smoking cabines. Tip..! Wednesday entry is free from 2pm-6pm... Good luck all gamers

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