Cafe Ermamo i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkCafe Ermamo



🕗 åbningstider

11, Store Strandstræde, 1255, København, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45
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Latitude: 55.6811258, Longitude: 12.5887012

kommentar 5

  • mike zimmerman

    mike zimmerman


    Great sandwiches at a reasonable price! After looking for reasonably priced smorbrod we decided to stop here—very happy we did!

  • Daniel Pallister

    Daniel Pallister


    Very cosy small cafe, food is great and staff are friendly, only downside is that some portions can be very small however this varies depending on what you order.

  • Tom Van Bel

    Tom Van Bel


    As tourists after a boat trip, we wanted a nice coffee / tea to warm up. We found this lovely café and we're helped very friendly. Great coffee, nice pieces of pie! Suggestion serve fresh whipped cream with the apple pie, please :)

  • Nani Rebollar

    Nani Rebollar


    pricy because you are in Copenhagen. Lovely hot chocolate and Apple tart. Warm and cosy place with cool backround music and vibe.

  • en

    Syvannarath Varouni


    Nice small cafe to grab a hot drinks in Nyhavn. Their sandwiches looks amazing. Haven't tasted them.

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