Aarhus Central Station i Aarhus

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkAarhus Central Station


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Banegårdspladsen 1, 8000, Aarhus, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45
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Latitude: 56.1503468, Longitude: 10.2046662

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lachezar Asenov


    Good place for tourists

  • Luca Micaletto

    Luca Micaletto


    Nice station with shopping mall over it. Some places to drink and eat are immediately over the train lines, other are just 50 meters near to the station in the shopping mall. A supermarket 7 eleven is also to find near the main hall / entrance. Due to the massive use of diesel trains, it is better to wait upstairs and go down just few minuts before the departure.

  • s kingjr

    s kingjr


    1) It was Denmark, 2) I was catching the train, 3) The ticket people were very, very helpful in getting me where I wanted to go, 4) The hustle and bustle of a busy place and people to watch. What I didn't like was the distinct lack of benches to sit on while waiting a long time for the train to where I was going.

  • Honza Jadrný

    Honza Jadrný


    Chaos everywhere, a lot of people. Beautiful building from outside. Inside is everything expensive

  • Torben Hvolmgaard Sørensen

    Torben Hvolmgaard Sørensen


    Aarhus H (station) has a waiting room, toilets, ticket office, bicycle parking, electronic information displays, 3 lifts and wheelchair access. Several ticket machines (danish/english) and a rejsekort/travel card machine (danish/english). The station also includes a café, some fast food shops and is connected by indoor access to the nearby Bruun's Galleri (shopping). From 2017 modern trams (Letbane) are serving the city from Aarhus H.

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