Restaurant La Galette i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkRestaurant La Galette



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9, Larsbjørnsstræde, 1454, København, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 33 32 37 90
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.678164, Longitude: 12.5695534

kommentar 5

  • Mikkel Balslev

    Mikkel Balslev


    Limited menu, but thats what you get for visiting a pancake restaurant. They are really good at what they do though.

  • Simon Jensen

    Simon Jensen


    Great food and great service in a discrete, parisian corner of the old town. Very French in the best and most cozy meaning of the word.

  • Nicolai Engelbrecht

    Nicolai Engelbrecht


    This is such a romantic and iconic restaurant in the midle of Copenhagen . And they do amazing Amazing pancakes both sweet and savory

  • Yusuf Othman

    Yusuf Othman


    Crepes to die for, very small place though - A bit too cozy, but go as max. a couple and you'll be fine.

  • Tea Kau

    Tea Kau


    A little hidden place with delicious food pancakes! Perfect to sit outside with a friend or two in the summer. Or inside in the cozy little corner for winter. Its not a fancy new place, but if you like the old/rustic/back ally of copenhagen feel, this is it! 1-2 food pancakes should fill your needs :)

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