Hotel 6400 i Sønderborg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkHotel 6400


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6, Solglimt, 6400, Sønderborg, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 73 70 64 00
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Latitude: 54.9016846, Longitude: 9.813248

kommentar 5

  • Raoul Grimm

    Raoul Grimm


    Nice and quiet place.tge public space are great .rooms Gould need some renovation

  • Stijn Van de Veire

    Stijn Van de Veire


    Comfortable rooms, great breakfast.

  • Anton Faber

    Anton Faber


    For this price it’s okay but not more! The room ist small, but the interior is new and have a cool design! Bath absolutely enough, breakfast also okay! When you can get a room less then 500DK it’s worth it!

  • Monika K

    Monika K


    I love new build hotels which still smell and look so freshy 😊 very clean! Everything was fine. Big plus for tasty breakfasts! So much choise and possibility to take something away. Receptionist are very polite and helpful. Definitely want to go back there.

  • Christian Fanavoll

    Christian Fanavoll


    Quiet, great breakfast.. About 25 minute walk to city center. Nice service. Cons for not refurbished bathrooms while everything else is. Still decent tho. 😊

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