Burger King i Erritsø

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkBurger King



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Snarernosevej 180-182, 1100 Erritsø, Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 53 72 88 07
internet side: www.burgerking.dk
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Latitude: 55.537156, Longitude: 9.717117

kommentar 5

  • martin bergholdt

    martin bergholdt


    Good workers, okay food if you in a hurry

  • Sune Jensen

    Sune Jensen


    If you need to experience the ego of the youngsters in these times, you can choose this place and have a succesfull experience. Nomatter if you look for the boss or the employees, you can succeed..

  • Emma Hejlskov

    Emma Hejlskov


    It's just a normal burger King. Staff seems friendly

  • Ian Fulguirinas

    Ian Fulguirinas


    I came through when I was hitchhiking, I got dropped off nearby and went in to get some food and to get warm. Staff were very pleasant and pretty tolerant of me being there for quite a while, but it was very quiet at the time. It's just Burger King, so the food is what you expect it to be, but it was nice to have friendly staff and the facilities were fairly clean for a fast food establishment

  • Lily Kim

    Lily Kim


    Decent place with good food for a fast food chain. Friendly staff that bring food to your table. Lots of parking space. Was a bit dirty when we were eating.

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